Using this company for dedicated hosting
This Mexico based hosting company is able to offer individual servers to assist businesses with their hosting needs. A company can rent a server for a low rate, and having an independent server means that a company can know exactly how much hosting power they have. This company uses modern servers, and they are located in a place where they will be protected from such things as disasters and power outages. This company is even able to back up all of the information that is placed on their dedicated servers.
Using this company for security maintenance
One problem that independently run websites run up against is simply not having their security and other updates current. This can result in a website being exposed to attack, and it means that the site cannot be used by some of the most advanced system. A lot of businesses will forget to do these updates after a given amount of time, and it can be years until they get around to them. This company is able to make sure that the updates are installed, and they can handle all of these tasks without having to bother the owners of the website.